Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Super Spy

Game: The Super Spy
Time to complete: 2h 30min
Rating on a 1-10 scale

Welcome to The Super Spy! There is nothing "Spy" about it! But it sure is "Super". I've always liked this game and after playing through it again I still do which is nice :) The story you ask? Save the world from the Terrorists! Next to saving the princess, it's one of my favorits. I'm not sure where the "Spy" concept came from though. Your goal is simply to kick ass, no sneaking around required. I guess "Super Comando" was already taken...

This game has to be one of the first "First Person Shooters" ever made. It came out a full 2 years before Castle Wolfenstein 3D and certainly is one of the few 2D FPS ever made.  It pre-dates Crossed Swords by a year but has a very similar gameplay concept. The game takes place in 2 buildings. The first of which is the factory where "The Terrorists" have take over to get the "Bombs". It has 4 or 5 floors and you essentially fight waves of enemies in a series of corridors as you make your way through each floor. The cool thing here is that there are rooms in the corridors you can enter to either fight more enemies, get tips, health, or the bad ass machine gun. You can also control which way you move through the corridors and there are points where you can chose which way you want to go.

Once you make it through the factory you learn that the "Terrorists" have made off with some of the "Bombs" and are headed to the automotive company? I'm not sure what they have against a car manufacture, but hey, terrorists don't tend to be the most clear headed folks. Anyhow the automotive building is much larger then factory. I believe it's 16 floors. Overall its more of the same but the floors introduce dead ends and there are 6 "Terrorist Bosses" waiting to take you on.

Gameplay wise it's a little simpler then Crossed Swords in that you can only duck but you do have the choice of fighting with guns, a knife, or your fists. The waves of bad guys do get a little dull at points but one of my favorite aspects of the game is all of the crazy color combinations they come up with for the same 4 enemies. There are points later in the game where terrorists in Hot Pink spandex with Day Glow Orage head wraps are the norm. Hard to beat that.

In closing The Super Spy is a fun and very original title that I will always enjoy chewing through every once and a while.

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