Saturday, April 7, 2012

Robo Army (1991)

Game: Robo Army
Time to complete: 45min
Rating on a 1-10 scale

I didn't own or play this game as a kid to my knowledge. It's on of those Neo Geo games that I've always been interested in due to mostly to its visuals. The story involves a evil head that wants to turn the world into a robotic play-land or something. The aforementioned evil head has sent his legion of evil robots into town to do just that and only you and player 2 can stop him! That's about it for the story. At the start of every new level, he will warn you about the repercusiones for trying to stop him. It's one of those moments when I wonder if there has ever been someone so timid that they have been warned and decided they better stop playing or else. There are also the usual SNK bites on CAPCOM...

looks like someone at SNK has been playing...


Anyway I digress, for a title made in 1991 the graphics are quite nice, specifically the design style of the futuristic backgrounds. Sound is pretty good and the voice is the same exact one used in Baseball 2020. Gameplay is typical side scrolling beat'em'up fair from the early 90's. There is really not a whole hell of allot strategy to be used, and the game has a weird power-up system that uses the same button as Kick so once you use up your power-ups you can kick as well as punch the enemy. Odd. But not as odd as the fact that you can turn into a car!

Thats you, the Pink Car Thing...

The game is pretty easy but is worth a play. I can't say that you will want to ever play it again but for one hour of your life I can think of worse things to play, cough, Burning Fight, cough...

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