Game: The King of the Monsters
Time to complete: 80min
Rating on a 1-10 scale
Giant monsters attack Tokyo (the game)! Welcome to the King of the Monsters review. I just finished playing through this title in 2 player mode with my brother-in-law. The storyline is pretty simple and well known. Giant monsters are attacking Japan for total domination. You can chose from one of six characters to play as, a bug man, super hero man, rock man, dinosaur man, toxic waist man, and ape man. They have names but I'm too lazy to look them up right now. Graphically and audio wise the game has a very nice overall feel. One of my favorite aspects is the VO clips that play throughout the game from the local TV station reporting on the devastation.
Gameplay wise it's fairly unique for the Neo Geo. It's essentially a wrestling game that takes place within, or should I say on top of, six different Japanese cities. Each city is detailed and interactive. You can do cool things like pick up buildings and throw them at your opponent. There is also a military in town that continuously tries to save their city by shooting at you and your opponent. Sounds great right? Well then you get to the actual fighting mechanics. Maybe with repeated play you start to get the hang of it but there is nothing intuitive going on here. Even after 12 levels of play, both Bobby and I still felt like we were just bashing buttons. It's really a shame considering everything else this game has going for it. Lastly this game does receive bonus point for actually having an ending that is not your typical half-assed "you win", "thanks for playing", "here are the credits".
So to wrap it up, I may find myself playing this game again in the future to see if I can get the hang of the controls but I'm not pressed. I remember really liking it as a kid but that may just be the JOLT cola talking...
Oh, I do love the box cover art!
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